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Fibra O. C4 Duplex 86m. Kramer Arancione

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Fibra O. C4 Duplex 86m. Kramer Arancione



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Fibra O. C4 Duplex 86m. Kramer Arancione

Fibra O. C4 Duplex 86m. Kramer Arancione


Long-Distance DVI Solution - Uses extremely durable but thin cable containing only 4 strands of fiber for applications
that do not require HDCP compliance. Note: A FODM series cable is an active electronic product which, like any
other, comes with a slight chance of needing removal or replacement in the future. Therefore, we suggest that these
not be permanently fixed into installations as might be appropriate with an ordinary cable. If permanent installation is
required, see our detachable equivalents such as the 610T/R, 602R/T, 621T/R or 622T/R.
High Resolution - Compatible with all DVI single link and HDTV standards up to 1080p and all VESA resolutions up
to WUXGA (1920x1200) at 60Hz refresh rate with 1 pixel/clock mode.
EDID Capture - Copies and stores the EDID from a display device.
Power Options - The transmitter requires DC power from either the graphic card or AC/DC power from an external
+5V adapter. The receiver requires external power (supplied).
Varied Selection of Lengths - Available in versions of 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100m (32.8 to 328ft).

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Fibra O. C4 Duplex 86m. Kramer Arancione


Via dell’Elettronica, 2
26839 - Zelo Buon Persico

Opening time

9.00 - 13.00 / 14.30 - 18.30

9.00 - 13.00

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