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Shure UA874E Antenna Direzionale 470-790 Mhz

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Shure UA874E Antenna Direzionale 470-790 Mhz

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Shure UA874E Antenna Direzionale 470-790 Mhz

Active Directional Antenna
The active UHF wireless directional antenna UA870 has a log-periodic dipole filed. With its "cardioid" characteristic thomann it offers better directional reception compared to an omni-directional half-wave antenna and a greater suppression of RF signals from outside.

To compensate for cable attenuation, the UA870 is equipped with a built-in amplifier with either 3 or 10 dB gain. The setting is indicated by two LEDs. The thomann external power supply of 12 V DC voltage to the antenna amplifier is provided by a Shure U4 or ULX receiver or an antenna splitter via the connected coaxial cable.

The UA870 can be mounted on a microphone stand, hanging from the ceiling, or attached with the integrated thomann swivel adapter bracket to the wall. The UA870 is weather resistant and suitable for outdoor use. For best diversity reception, dual UA870 antenna use is recommended.

Active logarithmic periodic directional antenna
With integrated preamplifier for the UHF range
For Shure U, UC, ULX, QLXD series receiver
Extended frequency range R2 + thomann R7 (470-790 MHz)
Gain switchable 3 or 10 dB
Power (12 V DC): 0.9 W (+/- 0.3W)
Gain: 7 dB (+/-1 dB)
Impedance: 50 Ohm
Receiving pattern (3 dB beam width): 100Ëš
Dimensions (H x W x D): 226 x 234 x 41 mm
Weight: 227 g

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Shure UA874E Antenna Direzionale 470-790 Mhz


Via dell’Elettronica, 2
26839 - Zelo Buon Persico

Opening time

9.00 - 13.00 / 14.30 - 18.30

9.00 - 13.00

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