audiolux / Video rental

Video Rental / Camere

Femto Mega

Item rental
Femto Mega

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Femto Mega

Femto Mega is a programmable multi-mode Depth and RGB camera with real-time streaming of processed images over Ethernet or USB connections. The camera uses Microsoft’s industry proven ToF technology and the NVIDIA® Jetson™ platform to deliver a software-defined Depth and RGB vision platform for computer vision and AI developers.

-High resolution sensor provides detailed scene understanding. 
-Wide Field of View covers large area. 
-Various operating modes for different applications. 

-In-camera processing of advanced depth vision algorithms. 
-Integrated NVIDIA Jetson Nano™ system-on-module for AI processing can remove need for dedicated compute. 
-Orbbec SDK enables easy setup and has a rich set of APIs for integration with various applications. 

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Contact Audiolux for a quote or for
more information related to the rental item

Femto Mega

Contact us

Via dell’Elettronica, 2
26839 - Zelo Buon Persico

Opening time

9.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00

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