audiolux / Structures rental

Structures Rental / Pylons - Truss

BASE PESANTE IN FERRO 30 kg 80 x 40 cm

Item rental
BASE PESANTE IN FERRO 30 kg 80 x 40 cm

Prodotto da

Not available

BASE PESANTE IN FERRO 30 kg 80 x 40 cm

Rental areas

light rental

18 Categories / 526 Items

video rental

14 Categories / 438 Items

audio rental

13 Categories / 342 Items

structures rental

4 Categories / 184 Items

power-supply-service-materials rental

8 Categories / 51 Items

consumables rental

1 Categories / 34 Items

Contact Audiolux for a quote or for
more information related to the rental item

BASE PESANTE IN FERRO 30 kg 80 x 40 cm

Contact us

Via dell’Elettronica, 2
26839 - Zelo Buon Persico

Opening time

9.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00

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